16 July 2000

Update 16/07/2000 : Well, still trying to catch up with life in general.

My experience/winge of the week involves a car/cycle dealer in Darwin this week. I was trying to get a brochure on the RT, no not the replace the Hayabusa but for other reasons. If you want a BMW car or bike a Mazda or Jag Rover etc.. think again.  This is not a criticism of the service or the manufacturer but of the particular salesperson in question. I would hope the others if any are much better than this one.

You don’t shout at potential customers espically me even more so when they don’t know who you are even more so when they own one of the makes you sell. (A neat and tidy appearance would help too.) It puts them totally of side and they do things like this, ie telling the whole world. Needless to say I shall be telling every other friend, business and other MV dealer in town about my experience. Yes I’m getting rid of the car and need something newer to carry things.

*** Note that the sales person in question no longer works for this company – wonder why ? People like that give the whole organization a bad name.

And the Hayabusa well, check out the NEWS page for details and pics about the sub-frame snapping, Not a good sign, but at least you should be concerned if you carry pillions or lots of luggage. More news as it arrives ! Again many thanks to everyone who sent me messages ! Apart from that the bike is running perfectly, had to adjust the idle speed as throttle was playing ‘on/off’ at low revs not good when cornering. It did the trick much smoother with doing U-turns now.