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19 March 2000
Update 19/03/2000 Pt.2 : Yeap, I had a bad day. Anyway I had to post a few other things. Check out my latest creation. Believe it or not the Suzuki Across Also more Specs and performance data its after the specification table. Some telling figures show why other bikes struggle to keep up. Also check out the new Comparisons page for comparisons to a range of other bikes.
Update 19/03/2000 : Pt 1 Yes, I loved watching Dynasty. It makes a lasting impression when you where in your sub – 10’s. What till you you hear the different ones I’ll be putting up. These Midi’s can be found on various internet sites. I haven’t kept track of which site their from. But I’ll keep track from now on.
The AVONs are going fine although as suspected the wear rate is quite disturbing. I have been riding harder than usual so that should be expected. I don’t think they’ll last 3000kms.
I’m still not sure whether the instrument panel was clouded over with moisture, but since taken it out in the lovely sun these days it hasn’t re-appeared. – I’ll have to watch out for it. Mind you it has been really wet here. I mean most of the places around here are flooded, including the main road out of the NT (Stuart Highway) was cut in several places by flooding.
At last I’ve ordered a GIVI rack for my Hayabusa. It’s only the top rack but it’s better than nothing. I just hope the rack doesn’t spoil the looks. Anyway you be the first to see a total waste of cash on a Hayabusa Multimedia center. Hey, I like listening to a few tune’s when cruising around.
And to those especially young ladies who think smoking and driving and throwing butts out windows better think again. It’s not cool, it’s inconsiderate, stupid and dangerous to other road users. You’ll only lose whatever looks you have left and have bad breath. Something which suits the toilet deodorant-esque perfume seem to like so much.
Which leads to those ridiculous Bad Girl stickers, oh grow up. It’s not attitude it’s pathetic. What it should read is Stupid girl. Which leads to to another pet hate. What’s wrong with being original or just plain considerate these days. And Bad Boy stickers ? Stop watching Michael Jackson videos before you go blind.
‘No Fear’ merchandise. The only time I can imagine where it’s appropriate is if you’re driving a Datsun 120Y or a scooter – now that’s dangerous. Unfortunately most who where the stuff have never even contemplated anything vaguely dangerous. The only vaguely ‘No Fear’ is your fashion sense which is lifted directly from the latest American rapper music video – which everyone already knows even the Americans have enough sense to not go around dressed like that. What it should read is No Fear No Brain.
Well, that’s my argo for the week bye.