20 February 2000

Update 20/02/2000 : News this week : The Hayabusa has definitely freed up noticeable over the last few rides. Definitely more willing to rev than previously. Anyway, a few new links that are genuinely interesting. The Hayabusa being compared with…

13 February 2000

Update 13/02/2000 : News this week which no other site I have visited has posted, confirmation of what the symbol means : what does the symbol mean ? Well, its either pronounced Hayabusa or Hayato. It means strong and fast regardless…

6 February 2000

Update 06/02/2000 : Wow ! My new machine has IE Explorer 5 on it and it seems to work really well. Its an HP P3 500Mhz with a 17in CRT monitor. Unfortunately it isn’t equipped with my old DVD and CD-Writer…

2 February 2000

Update 02/02/2000 : Yes, I’m back again… What a hugely eventful week. Unfortunately nothing to do with the Hayabusa. My prior machine was destroyed by a lightening strike and hence I’ve be busy restoring files etc.. to their rightful place.…

23 January 2000

Update 23/01/2000 :  Yes, I’m back ! The phone is connected, and all the moving and unpacking is almost finished. As you may have noticed I tried to find out what the symbol on the bike means. It is pronounced ‘haa…

9 January 2000

Update 09/01/2000 : I got sooo bored with packing up I decided to check out the Net, after all I be packing my machine up shortly. Anyway I’ve got new tyres ! I was just checking out what was available when…

2 January 2000

Update 02/01/2000 : Welcome to the new Millennium or is it the last year of the old one ? Lots of site updates, however I didn’t manage to complete the new look as yet. Hence still the minimalist look. But…

27 December 1999

Update 27/12/1999 :  I thought I’d better post these updates before the 1st of January just in case my machine doesn’t handle Y2K properly.  I hope everyone had a fab Christmas and got lots of pressies.   The best one I…

19 December 1999

Update 19/12/1999 :  Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all visitors I’ve had throughout the year.   Ride safely and stay in one piece so you can visit again ! Well, another busy week getting the Hayabusa…

5 December 1999

Update 5/12/1999 :  Well, all behind the scenes stuff this week.  The screen savers are coming along very nicely.  Just finished the Hayabusa version.  Click here to download.  Just another 12 to go…  Even more links  And thanks to those…