19 December 1999

Update 19/12/1999 :  Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all visitors I’ve had throughout the year.   Ride safely and stay in one piece so you can visit again ! Well, another busy week getting the Hayabusa…

5 December 1999

Update 5/12/1999 :  Well, all behind the scenes stuff this week.  The screen savers are coming along very nicely.  Just finished the Hayabusa version.  Click here to download.  Just another 12 to go…  Even more links  And thanks to those…

28 November 1999

Update 28/11/1999 :  Firstly I stuffed up the update again last week  as you probably noticed.  I’ve pasted the missing text again this week (see below).  A significant week since buying the Hayabusa i.e the recall stuff has been done…

21 November 1999

Update 21/11/1999 : I think I’ve just joined the Suzuki Cycle Web-ring but I’m not sure just yet.  I’ve also included your starsign’s lucky number !  These seem to differ dependent on where you did your research.   I still haven’t…

14 November 1999

Update 14/11/1999 : Site updates include : I’ve purged the site of frames as it was giving me headaches.  I was updating content and when it came time to same the things I would inadvertently save the wrong one losing all…

7 November 1999

Update 07/11/1999 : Site updates include : Some more reviews on the Anime/motorcycles page Motorcycles and Anime/Manga, new links, revisions in the horoscope page and some tiding up here and there.  I’ve tried specifying a secondary font for the page for…

26 September 1999

Latest update 26 / 9 / 1999 You must pardon my grammar.  I blame it on the speed which I tend to do the updates.  This week I have got a few issues, the RPM dial is exposed to direct…

19 September 1999

Latest update 19 / 9 / 1999 : Since fixing the vibey screen, the bike has been an absolute pleasure.   Although I must admit over time the Suzuki Hayabusa seems to feel more vibey than when I first got it. …

12 September 1999

Latest update 12 / 9 / 1999 The Suzuki Hayabusa has just had its 2nd service (about 5500km).  The most noticeable thing about the bike after the service was the gear change.  Its improved dramatically, I must ask them what…