Motorcycle safety and riding gear – New motorcycle Part 5

So you’ve read the prior posts and decided which is the best motorcycle to buy – now what ?

Riding a motorcycle in 2012 usually means a variety of dangers and if you’ve done any sort of licensing course or drive a car you will know exactly what I mean. As a result you really should buy some decent protective gear. I know of a couple of people whose family members have died from injuries after mucking around and falling off a motorcycle at low speed or stationary solely due to a lack of helmet for example. It is tragic so don;t let it happen to you.

Before you even start your bike you need safety gear and accessories. (I still don’t sell anything so don’t ask) This means the purchase of a few key or essential items. If you can organise a deal with your bike purchase it would probably save you some money.  Always remember get the BEST quality gear you can buy – it may save your life. Also remember that brands, good looks or high price doesn’t always mean it’s the best.

– the helmet (if you haven’t already got one)
Make sure to take plenty of time to choose the right helmet size. It has to fit reasonably tight since it will mold to your face and you don’t want it sliding around when you’re riding. It could cost you your life – if you choose the wrong one. Price is a good factor to determine quality but then you may just be paying for a ‘brand name’ or poor international exchange rate. Some helmets look great but may not have the required safety features hence may influence your decision – my advice is think carefully – buying a look is not always the best way to go about this. The price you pay reflects how much you value your life. I’m not suggesting that you buy the most expensive – read the bits below. Try to avoid buying online for fitting purposes.

Hints: Like underwear don’t buy a used helmet. (Not even if you’re into that sort of thing!)
Helmets in most countries are classified as primary safety items so are subjected to standard safety tests. All helmets must pass the tests to be legible for sale to the public. They are certified via a sticker on the helmet to the standard they comply with. However like all standards they are only the basic requirements and these vary from country to country. Try to choose one that surpasses the standard tests. Of course there are plenty other considerations so this is just the starting point. Hints: look for a SNELL certified sticker or the appropriate road safety certification in your country.

Your head shape is pretty much customised and unfortunately very few can afford to customise a helmet to fit. Mind you you may find that the internal padding of a helmet can be custom made.
– a pair of riding gloves
In my opinion the second most important thing. As many instructors point out they are the first things you injure if you ever fall off – true. As for the type synthetic or leather its up to you really. Just make sure they fit properly and won’t fall off.
– a dark visor
Funny advise you say … well having tried sunglasses in helmet route is not comfortable and feels and probably is kind of dangerous, the dark visor is the best way to go about protecting your eye sight. If you need corrective lenses perhaps its time to consider contacts or a lightweight frame.

– Riding suit or jacket.
Now this I find this personally the best bit. Choosing the right motorcycle suit or jacket is a time consuming process there as so many styles to choose from. They do look good. Just make sure it fits properly and there is enough protection. Even small accident can cause a lot of skin damage so take proper care.

– Decent leg and footwear.
Like a jacket or suit you want to good decent when you get to your destination. So consider what’s available, especially those with built in protection. 

The end?
Well, there’s so much more to write about but I haven’t anymore time for now so check back later for more updates.
Part 6