Category Commentary + Opinion + Analysis

Price of Fuel July 2015

The average price of fuel I paid for during July 2015 was $1.22 – 1.50 per litre for 91 Octane unleaded add 10-11 cents for 95 Octane and at least 15 cents for 98 Octane. Diesel was priced around the $1.32…

Nissan Leaf and more

Over the past few years one of my interests has been how to ‘save’ the environment in a broad sense. For me there are too many factors to scientifically to ‘prove’ that humans are changing the environment on a global…

Oh Deer!

Ok, I read this press release a little while ago (October) and was going to post it before Christmas but as always real life gets in the way and simply forgot until now! Should have done it before Christmas ……