25 March 2001

Update of 25/03/2001 I’m still recovering from this flu type virus, it was really bad. This week I’ve updated the stats page and tweaked wording etc… throughout the site. I’ve started working on some new articles too which should stir up a few comments.

My own Busa is finally alive ! The battery arrived this week and I’ve installed the thing an been for a ride for the first time in weeks. It was great ! Being away from bikes due to illness and being busy I had a chance to ride both the CBR6 and Busa back to back. The CBR does handles very well, it feels really light, comfortable and certainly needs revs. I hated the need to be awake at the lights as the clutch is immediate compared to the Busa and the downshifts required concentration to prevent the rear wheel from locking. When I rode the Busa the differences where obvious. Very little throttle was needed for acceleration, when changing down gears the Hayabusa was infinitely better requiring little planning. Perhaps its just me? Anyway one thing that did make me whinge was how heavy the Busa is to park esp if there’s a slight incline and backwards!

I must thank Ashley at Suzuki Territory for the help in getting the battery because he fantastic at helping source the battery !
I also must emphasize the relativity of some of my comments. Eg when I say the Busa is easy to ride, I should add, for a very powerful bike, or for my level of experience (eg if your moving up from say a 250 it my be a bit of a handful) or when I it handles really well, I should add the way the Busa is set up suits my riding style that is : it does everything I want the way I expect it to.