April 2003

27 April 2003
Updates in the FAQ pages to reflect more 02 and 03 stuff and re-wording and spelling corrections on the site this week. Still busy with the bike name article. Hopefully ready for next week.
Apart from that I’ve noticed so many riders in Darwin cruising without appropriate safety clothing. I really sympathise cause it is genuine very hot and uncomfortable. However despite this, I never rode without safety gear. All I can say is – just do it guys and gals, it will save your one day. The stuff these days looks pretty cool and works. Just mail me for recommendations.

21 April 2003
Unfortunately there aren’t too many updates this week as I’m preparing for the next pictures site updates. There are still quite a number of virus effected machines out there and it has required another change of email address for the pictures submission. I’ve been considering offering a token prize for the best pictures sent to me. The prize being a customised Mobile Phone Operator Logo. Unfortunately it seems to only work on Nokia mobile phones ! Regardless I still haven’t competed one which I like just yet, and there’s so much more interesting stuff I’d rather do, ie the new articles.

12 April 2003
More updates everywhere. New article on designations and stuff is also coming along just fine. Hopefully I’ll have a draft ready for next week’s update. Apart from that it’s pretty quiet on the riding side of things. – I’ve started a search for a 400cc Import or a 250cc cause I’m missing the riding. Sad isn’t it. Any hints for a SSSA CBR400RR is most welcome !

06 April 2003
Some updated links and other problems info available this week. New article on model designation should be available next week. On my various driving trips around Australia I have noticed the different driving characteristics of each state. I’m going out on a limb by actually ranking my preference of driving styles ! Based on the most recent trip.

I think the best drivers are located in Victoria. Maybe due to new laws etc… But they enable they seems to drive in a much more following manner rather than try to hold up traffic by giving way and allowing cars to change lanes. Considering that traffic is heavy most of the time this is great. They also accelerate from the lights.

The next would probably be New South Wales. Similar to Vic but you require more ambition. They seem to drive slower in NSW too. Next would be the Northern Territory due to the very relaxed pace and style. Unfortunately bad drivers here are a stand out due to the lack of traffic.

The worst drivers of all are South Australian. I have never experienced and seen tail gating and erratic manoeuvres so common. Every drive is an adventure of other drivers following way too close to the car in front, hence making them do evasive acts regularly. Quite scary esp. if it occurs in the middle on nowhere.