June 2003

29 June 2003
Maybe it’s just me but after looking at the color scheme for the website, white text on black background have you noticed that when you back to say your word processor you see black lines ? Hmm… I think a site color scheme change is order.

29 June 2003
The survey is coming along just fine and as the results come in it does seem that I won’t have to do much filtering of data to finalize each weeks results. Hence more time for other things. Not much is happening to in the bike world of note in the last 3 years which is a bit of a downer, considering the last decade has been full of fantastic machines eg R1, Fireblade, Hayabusa, the emergence of the 600cc class and the resurrection of the cruiser etc… Has the profit motive of the manufacturers stopped them from developing new ground breaking machines or has our expectations risen so dramatically that only nothing will impress.

22 June 2003
Busy week sorting out the bugs out of the new survey system. The results have been posted for all to check out. Now I’m working on the next round of updates involving the much awaited new content. Yes I know its been ages but I have been busy with other projects. Don’t forget to send in bike pics and bits of info – it is always appreciated.

15 June 2003
It’s been a recovery week, trying to back on top of the things which I’ve had to delay due to illness. I’ve completed one of the long new content project, the long awaited survey on tyres.

After checking out the tyre manufacturer’s sites, it is easy to see what type of people designed and approved them. Some are very flashy – literally while others where so much better because they weren’t the state of the art graphics. A personal opinion but content presented in a simple form and the option of comprehensive details is far more appealing than moving pictures. More on these site reviews when I get some survey results back.

08 June 2003
I’m still trying to recover from this terrible flu. It’s quote a downer cause I can’t seem to muster any enthusiasm for anything really.

01 June 2003
I have a terrible cold this week so haven’t been able to much. Hope I can started on articles and stuff I’ve been promising for quite awhile. Hey, this is a personal site so there aren’t any deadlines yer know !!