June 2006

25 June 2006
I really enjoy writing up various bits of information so much so that I think I have a problem. Now that most of my web problems have been solved I’m working furiously on updating the pictures site and some interesting new motorcycle comparisons – yep years in the making.

Also all my fish died ! So I’m going to have great difficulty in choosing the POTM for June. Yes they all died together except for one… So with new fish a new standard for judging POTM? We shall see.
I had alot of complaints about the non-bike posting on the classifieds. Since it’s happened they don’t get the drift. I’m going to de-commission the classifieds page if it happens again. Yes I have got their details.

17 June 2006
A good article about petrol and oil NEWS article about petrol reserves.

I’ve also wrote a new article. I actually didn’t believe that I could complete one so quickly but here it is: Brain Training.
And just to wet your taste buds I’m preparing the first update of the pictures site since the shock band width fiasco.
Speaking of updates I watching a show called The Perfect Home hosted by Alain de Botton about why we choose to buy and live in conservative looking homes rather than modern ones which also happen to be more practical! Yep – although we may ride a bike that is futuristic in look and certainly distinctive we go back to our ‘pastich’ homes in the suburbs.

15 June 2006
Special update to introduce you to my latest creation. It been made so mobile workers like myself so you can find some joy. Yes even on public transport. Mobile Device and Game Reviews

12 June 2006
Thanks for visiting yet another entry in the update pages. Based on estimates its been over 3 million visits and 1.8 million emails. Unfortunately most of the emails have been SPAM. I’ve personally answered some 30,000 messages over the years although have received approximately 160,000 filtered email messages. These figures are based on stats from Eudora (if you must know).
So as you can see I’m a busy sort of guy. Mind you I use templates – so that’s cheating a bit. But then again I’m not type up the same answer hundreds of times.

I have to earn a living in the real world so won’t answer every single message and certainly not everyday. Remember life is short so fill it with as many adventures as possible.

4 June 2006
Yet another fun filled week of non-stop action. I’ve been ton of writing for a new website which I have a passion for. The main topic has been on my mind for a while but I just haven’t had the drive to finish it – I will unveil it next week I hope…
And congrats to Finland and the group Lordi for winning this year Eurovision.