March 2006

25 March 2006
As you can see even more changes! Some very minor visually but has a dramatic effect on making global website updates easier.

Who would have thought that in 2006 – after 7 years I’d be worried about the technicalities of the website and keeping it afloat rather than writing stuff about motorcycles. The world has changed…
The ongoing rumour mongering about whether there will be a new Hayabusa model this year has flared up again. It’s interesting what sort of info I’ve been sent. My point of view about the whole thing is that there probably won’t be a new one. Why? in one word Honda.

21 March 2006
In case you haven’t noticed I have split the pages in the site. Now you can get different information on or Why have I done it ? Part of the bandwidth problems I been having I realised I put all my ‘eggs in one basket’ so to speak. So if one site goes down at least there is another site which you can go to for info. is NOT a mirror. Rather I’m transferring various the graphic intensive pages to it. Yes it’s cheaper.

I anticipate at least of month of re-organisation of both sites before normality is restored.

19 March 2006
Still going through the site and working out what needs to go and what can stay. I still have bandwidth issues – the provider actually called and said that I can’t go onto a plan with more downloads until at least later this month.
It’s been a god send actually as I never really understood the stats they provided – mainly because it was never ever accurate. Although I can understand how they do it now I still query the method used to calculate the figures. Its not exactly transparent and I am worried.

I have even sacrificed the front page to an Ad bar. ..
On the up side it looks like Suzuki is preparing for an all new or substantially revised Hayabusa for later this year. BUT you heard it here Honda and ZX-14 are the issues. IF the ZX14 does not meet expectations don’t expect Suzuki to release it this year. IF Honda releases the Blackbird replacement this year expect fireworks. It won’t be called the Blackbird by the way…
The current one becomes the Yamaha FJ competitor…

12 March 2006
Very busy updating and transferring the site and distributing the bandwidth. Lots of naught people and sites directly linking to images ! Well the world just lost a lot of my old galleries. Should have done the right thing and supported the site everyone. The pictures site will be revamped over time and the more support it gets the better the galleries get.
The pages on this site are also undergoing a re-design. I’m going back to basics and design the pages for speed – except the main page of course!

Performance pages have been moved to the new site so I can expand the content over time for other motorcycles an comparison purposes.

9 March 2006
A mid week critical update on the site !
Yep an emergency has happened – or will happen. I have begun the cut back program as the site has too much problem with bandwidth. I simply can’t afford to pay any more. I’m not happy with having to do it because I have always provided a entertaining and changing visit to anyone who cares to visit. I’ve reluctantly added some advertising in any effort to cover costs and to reduce email but it doesn’t even make a dent.
The first to go will be the motorcycle picture galleries. Cut back to only a limited number and only post the really good ones. If this doesn’t cure it then even more drastic steps will be taken.
It’s quite upsetting that despite the site’s popularity and fading spelling and grammar checker that not enough people care enough to support the site :(

5 March 2006
For loyal readers here’s an interesting article just for you. VW GX3