May 2006

28 May 2006
Once again, a very busy week for me. I have been trying to update info on the site but things just seem to pop up and prevent me. I haven’t received any further info on the next generation Hayabusa which surprises me. Why ? Its not like cars where they hold a ton of stock, and besides its primary selling point is that the bike can do exceed 300kph. (Bypassing the limiter of course). The new one won’t be able to exceed 300kph so what will be its defining feature ? I hope Suzuki haven’t blown it again with their marketing. I could do a better job easily.

19 May 2006
A quick update to tell you that Eurovision 2006 is on again !
In Australia the semi-final is on right now !
Its on SBS everyone.
The Finals are on Sunday 7.30pm till late.
You really must check the biggest song contest from Europe – yes even bigger than the ‘ Idol’ The same show is watch by at least 60 different countries and votes are sent in from all of them. It’s brought us ABBA, Celine Dion, Cliff Richard, and a number of others over the decades (Since 1957).
It’s a difficult show to explain so give it a go.

15 May 2006
My thoughts on the latest petrol price rise ? To cut it as simply as possible (which is unusual for me) : Essentially it effects those in countries which have not been subjected to continuous high prices before. US petrol prices have always been pretty low and Australian petrol prices have also been low.
Alternate fuels have always been available but as you can guess the ‘petroleum lobby’ have always held back alternatives. Ie. The lobby probably donates to various political parties. Don’t forget that they also have an interest to see that the Middle East stays peaceful and safe. Furthermore fuel taxes help out with government coffers.
We have made so many advances in technology in the past 20-30 years since the last oil crisis why aren’t non polluting fuels readily available. I believe once there’s competition in fuel we definitely see cheaper prices.

3 May 2006
Although I’ve seen various reports in the news etc… about how product manufacturers use big or existing size packaging whilst with less stuff in it well, I’ve just been the victim of it! Yep I bought some toothpaste for obvious reasons…
Anyway, I didn’t check the package because it was the same size as the normal one I get. Then went home opened the box and discovered that the tube had been reduced in size – 145 gm packaging but only 110 gm tube. I could not believe it !
I guess it’s much like computer software boxes. Huge box in most cases but very little in it. Even paper based manuals don’t seem to be included these days.

I shall now keep an eye out on this sort of occurrence and report it here !